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Здравствуйте. Только начал учиться программировать, возможно буду спрашивать глупости, не кидайте камнями сильно :)
Задача: Написать программу поиска самого длинного слова в строке, разделенной пробелами.
Мой код:
stroka = str(raw_input("Enter your stroke: "))
print "Maximum word's length in your stroke: ", len(max(stroka.split(" ")))
print "Minimum word's length in your stroke: ", len(min(stroka.split(" ")))
print " "
print "The longest word in your stroke: ", max(stroka.split(" "))
print "The shortest word in your stroke: ", min(stroka.split(" "))
What do you think about my programming?
Maximum word's length in your stroke: 3
Minimum word's length in your stroke: 4
The longest word in your stroke: you
The shortest word in your stroke: What
kkkk kk kkk kkkkk kkkkk kk kkkkkkkkkkkk
Maximum word's length in your stroke: 12
Minimum word's length in your stroke: 2
The longest word in your stroke: kkkkkkkkkkkk
The shortest word in your stroke: kk
Отредактировано (Июль 14, 2011 23:14:58)
max для списка строк это не max длины строк, а max их значений(кодов)
проще всего реализовать через сортировку списков:
stroki = raw_input("Enter your stroke: ").split()
stroki.sort(key = len)
print "Maximum word's length in your stroke: ", len(stroki[-1])
print "Minimum word's length in your stroke: ", len(stroki[0])
print " "
print "The longest word in your stroke: ", stroki[-1]
print "The shortest word in your stroke: ", stroki[0]