Форум сайта python.su
Тут http://www.sqlalchemy.org/docs/intro.html#installation написано:
Plain Python Distutils - SQLAlchemy can be installed with a clean Python install using the services provided via Python Distutils, using the setup.py script. The C extensions as well as Python 3 builds are supported.
Installing using setup.py
Otherwise, you can install from the distribution using the setup.py script:
python setup.py install
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7600]
(c) Корпорация Майкрософт (Microsoft Corp.), 2009. Все права защищены.
C:\Windows\system32>C:\Python32\Python.exe C:\Users\Егор\Desktop\SQLAlchemy-0.7.
3\setup.py install
C:\Python32\lib\distutils\dist.py:259: UserWarning: Unknown distribution option:
C:\Python32\lib\distutils\dist.py:259: UserWarning: Unknown distribution option:
running install
running build
running install_egg_info
Writing C:\Python32\Lib\site-packages\SQLAlchemy-0.7.3-py3.2.egg-info
WARNING: C extensions are not supported on this Python platform, speedups are no
t enabled.
Plain-Python build succeeded.
Python 3.2.1 (default, Jul 10 2011, 20:02:51) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information.
>>> import sqlalchemy
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#0>", line 1, in <module>
import sqlalchemy
ImportError: No module named sqlalchemy
Отредактировано (Окт. 22, 2011 08:07:49)
Проблема решена, перед запуском setup.py нужно было перейти в текущую директорию, а не просто путь до неё указать.