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Маленька библиотека которая находит сегменты полилинии входящие и пересекающие тайл.
Это применимо для карт maps.google.com

Карты выдаются маленькими кусочками, те тайлами где каждый тайл индентифицируется XYZ где
X = число по вертикали и зависит от zoom level
Y = число по вертикали и также зависит от zom level
Z = zoom level
Полилиния представлена набором точек каждая из которых представлена LAT/LON координатами (сферическими координатами).
Необходимо найти тайлы на которых данная полилиния должна быть отрисована.
def optimizatin() возвращает для указанного zoom level набор тайлов и сегментов описывающих часть полилинии для каждого тайла.

В итоге можно легко нарисовать отдельным леером полилинию на карте.

А что это за линия тока вам и известно… путь домой…. любимые тропки парка и тд…

import latlon
polyline =
print latlon.optimizatin(polyline, 13)
print latlon.optimizatin(polyline, 20)


#!/usr/bin/env python
# __author__ = "Kirill Rozin"
# __copyright__ = "Copyright 2011."
# __license__ = "GPL"
# __version__ = "0.0.1"
# __email__ = "krozin@google.com"
# __status__ = "Testing"

import math
import sys
import re

#def toRad(x): return x/180.0*math.pi OR return math.radians(x)
#def toDeg(x): return x/math.pi*180.0 OR return math.degrees(x)

# Degrees of latitude per meter
DPM = 8.983345800106980e-006
# Radius of the Earth in meters
RADIUS_EARTH_METERS = 6366197.7236758134307553505349006
MinLatitude = -85.05112878
MaxLatitude = 85.05112878
MinLongitude = -180
MaxLongitude = 180

######################################## OPTIMIZATION ####################################
def optimization_by_route (polyline, zoom):
for segment in get_segment(polyline):
bound = get_bbox_from_points(segment, zoom)
if bound[0] == bound[2] and bound[1] == bound[3]:
x = bound[0]
y = bound[1]
if not res.get(key):
res[key] = []
for x in xrange(bound[0], bound[2]+1):
for y in xrange(bound[1], bound[3]+1):
position = segment_tile_position(segment, x, y, zoom)
if position[0] == 'IN' or position[0] == 'CROSS':
if not res.get(key):
res[key] = []
return res

def optimization_by_box (polyline, zoom):
bound = get_bbox_from_points(polyline, zoom)
# one tile
if bound[0] == bound[2] and bound[1] == bound[3]:
x = bound[0]
y = bound[1]
for segment in get_segment(polyline):
position = segment_tile_position(segment, x, y, zoom)
if position[0] == 'IN' or position[0] == 'CROSS':
if not res.get(key):
res[key] = []
for x in xrange(bound[0], bound[2]+1):
for y in xrange(bound[1], bound[3]+1):
for segment in get_segment(polyline):
position = segment_tile_position(segment, x, y, zoom)
if position[0] == 'IN' or position[0] == 'CROSS':
if not res.get(key):
res[key] = []
return res

def get_segment(polyline):
segment = None
for i in polyline:
if not last_point:
last_point = i
segment = [last_point,i]
yield segment
last_point = i

################################ GEOM ####################################################
def angle_delta(alfa, betta):
""" minimum angle between a & b where a & b defined in degrees """
x = (alfa - betta) % 360
if x > 180:
return (x-360)
return x

# cos(d) = sin(fA)*sin(fB) + cos(fA)*cos(fB)*cos(lA - lB)
# fA, fB is latitude
# lA, lB is lontitude
# d is distance between points shown as measured in radians, arc length of a great circle of the globe
# L = d*R
# R = 6371 km is midle radius of Earth
def distance(point1, point2):
""" return distance in meters between 2 points """
lat1, lon1 = point1
lat2, lon2 = point2
# need to convert to radian
lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2 = math.radians(lat1), math.radians(lon1), math.radians(lat2), math.radians(lon2)
cos_d_rad = math.sin(lat1)*math.sin(lat2) + math.cos(lat1)*math.cos(lat2)*math.cos(lon1-lon2)
#print cos_d_rad
#degrees = 180 * radians / pi
#radians = pi * degrees / 180
d = math.acos(cos_d_rad)
#print d
return L

def move_LatLon(lat, lon, distance_in_meter, angle):
""" This procedure calculates new point which is moved from the passed point
to distance d and angle"""
RADIUS_EARTH_METERS = 6366197.7236758134307553505349006
lat = math.radians(lat)
lon = math.radians(lon)
d = distance_in_meter/RADIUS_EARTH_METERS
angle = math.radians(angle)
def mod(x,y):
return y - x*math.floor(y/x)
lat_rad = math.asin(math.sin(lat)*math.cos(d)+math.cos(lat)*math.sin(d)*math.cos(angle))
if math.cos(lat_rad) == 0:
lon_rad = lon
lon_rad=mod(2*math.pi, lon-math.asin(math.sin(angle)*math.sin(d)/math.cos(lat_rad))+math.pi)-math.pi
return (math.degrees(lat_rad),math.degrees(lon_rad))

def bbox_center(point1, point2):
""" Return the center of a box. box is defined by top-left/bottom-right or top-right/bottom-left corners. """
return (point1[0] + point1[1])/2, (point2[0] + point2[1])/2

def get_sortedbox(box):
dbox = {}
for i in box:
print dbox
x1 = box[0][0]
y1 = box[0][1]
x2 = box[1][0]
y2 = box[1][1]
x3 = box[2][0]
y3 = box[2][1]
x4 = box[3][0]
y4 = box[3][1]
xright = max(x1,x2,x3,x4)
ytop = max(y1,y2,y3,y4)
xleft = min(x1,x2,x3,x4)
ybottom = min(y1,y2,y3,y4)

print xright, ytop, xleft, ybottom
top_right = dbox.get('%s_%s'%(xright,ytop))
bottom_left = dbox.get('%s_%s'%(xleft,ybottom))
top_left = dbox.get('%s_%s'%(xleft,ytop))
bottom_right = dbox.get('%s_%s'%(xright, ybottom))
return top_left, top_right, bottom_right, bottom_left

def convert_llbox_to_mercatorbox(box):
for i in box:
x,y = mercatorForward(i[0],i[1])
return mbox

def point_in_box(point, box):
top_left, top_right, bottom_right, bottom_left = convert_llbox_to_mercatorbox(box)
mpoint = mercatorForward(point[0], point[1])
if top_left and top_right and bottom_right and bottom_left:
if top_left[0] <= mpoint[0] <= top_right[0] and (bottom_left[1] <= mpoint[1] <= top_left[1] or bottom_right[1] <= mpoint[1] <= top_right[1]):
return True
return False

def segment_inside_box(segment, box):
if point_in_box(segment[0], box) and point_in_box(segment[1], box):
return True
return False

def get_bbox_from_points (points, zoom):
pointList = []
for point in points:
x, y = LatLonToxyz(point[0], point[1], zoom)
pointList.append((x, y))
maxx = pointList[0][0]
minx = pointList[0][0]
maxy = pointList[0][1]
miny = pointList[0][1]
for nPoint in pointList:
if (maxx < nPoint[0]):
maxx = nPoint[0]
if (maxy < nPoint[1]):
maxy = nPoint[1]
if (minx > nPoint[0]):
minx = nPoint[0]
if (miny > nPoint[1]):
miny = nPoint[1]
return minx, miny, maxx, maxy

# x,y,z where x,y are center of tile!!!
def get_LLbbox(x,y,z):
""" Return the bound box segments of a tile. x,y - center of tile for corresponding zoom level """
lat, lon, width = xyzToLatLon(x,y,z)
c = (width/2)*math.sqrt(2)
top_left_lat, top_left_lon = move_LatLon(lat, lon, c, 45)
bottom_left_lat, bottom_left_lon = move_LatLon(lat, lon, c, 135)
bottom_right_lat, bottom_right_lon = move_LatLon(lat, lon, c, 225)
top_right_lat, top_right_lon = move_LatLon(lat, lon, c, 315)
return [(top_left_lat, top_left_lon), (top_right_lat, top_right_lon), (bottom_right_lat, bottom_right_lon), (bottom_left_lat, bottom_left_lon)]

def find_intersection(segment,x,y,z):
""" Return the intersection point of a segment to any segments of box of tile """
LSegment = LineSegment(segment[0][0], segment[0][1], segment[1][0], segment[1][1])
top = LineSegment(box[0][0], box[0][1], box[1][0], box[1][1])
right = LineSegment(box[1][0], box[1][1], box[2][0], box[2][1])
bottom = LineSegment(box[2][0], box[2][1], box[3][0], box[3][1])
left = LineSegment(box[3][0], box[3][1], box[0][0], box[0][1])
bbox_segments = [top, right, bottom, left]
for box_segment in bbox_segments:
res = MercatorFindLLIntersection(LSegment, box_segment)
if res[0] == 'INTERESECTING':
return res
elif res[0] == 'COINCIDENT':
return res
elif res[0] == 'PARALLEL':
elif res[0] == 'NOT_INTERESECTING':
return None, None, None

def segment_tile_position(segment, x,y,z):
box = get_LLbbox(x,y,z)
if segment_inside_box(segment, box):
return 'IN', []
res = find_intersection(segment, x,y,z)
if res[0] == 'INTERESECTING' or res[0] == 'COINCIDENT':
return 'CROSS', res[1]
return 'OUT', []

##################################### MAP INFO ##################################
class Point:
def __init__(self, lat, lon):
self.x = float(lat)
self.y = float(lon)

class LineSegment:
def __init__(self, p1_x, p1_y, p2_x, p2_y):
self.p1 = Point(p1_x, p1_y)
self.p2 = Point(p2_x, p2_y)

def ZoomInfo(zoomlevel, tilesize_in_pixel=256, lat=33.9305):
mapsize_in_tiles = (2**zoomlevel)
mapsize_in_pixel = (2**zoomlevel)*tilesize_in_pixel
# it depend on lat. Please, be careful
map_resolution = GroundResolution(lat, zoomlevel, tilesize_in_pixel)
map_scale = MapScale(lat, zoomlevel, tilesize_in_pixel, screenDpi=96)
return 'FOR zoomlevel=%s and lat=%s'%(zoomlevel,lat), \
'mapsize_in_tiles=%s'%mapsize_in_tiles, \
'mapsize_in_pixel=%s'%mapsize_in_pixel, \
'map_resolution where %s meters per 1 pixel'%map_resolution, \

""" Clips a number to the specified minimum and maximum values.
n The number to clip.
minValueMinimum allowable value.
maxValueMaximum allowable value.
returns: The clipped value."""
def Clip(n, minValue, maxValue):
return min(max(n, minValue), maxValue)

""" Determines the map width and height (in pixels) at a specified level of detail.
zoomlevelLevel of detail, from 1 (lowest detail) to 23 (highest detail).
returns: The map width and height in pixels."""
def MapSize(zoomlevel, tilesize_in_pixel=256):
return (2**zoomlevel)*tilesize_in_pixel

""" Determines the ground resolution (in meters per pixel)
at a specified latitude and level of detail.
latitudeLatitude (in degrees) at which to measure the ground resolution.
zoomlevelLevel of detail, from 1 (lowest detail) to 23 (highest detail).
returns: The ground resolution, in meters per pixel."""
def GroundResolution(latitude, zoomlevel, tilesize_in_pixel=256):
latitude = Clip(latitude, MinLatitude, MaxLatitude)
return (math.cos(latitude * math.pi/180) * 2 * math.pi * RADIUS_EARTH_METERS)/((2**zoomlevel)*tilesize_in_pixel)

""" Determines the map scale at a specified latitude, level of detail, and screen resolution.
latitudeLatitude (in degrees) at which to measure the map scale.
zoomlevelLevel of detail, from 1 (lowest detail) to 23 (highest detail).
screenDpiResolution of the screen, in dots per inch.
returns: The map scale, expressed as the denominator N of the ratio 1 : N."""
def MapScale(latitude, zoomlevel, tilesize_in_pixel=256, screenDpi=96):
return GroundResolution(latitude, zoomlevel, tilesize_in_pixel) * screenDpi / 0.0254

################################ TRANSFORMATION ##################################
def toseconds(l):
sign = ''
if l < 0:
l = -l
sign = '-'
degrees = int(l)
l = (l - degrees)*60
minutes = int(l)
seconds = (l - minutes)*60
return "%s%d %02d'%02d''" % (sign, degrees, minutes, seconds)

def mercatorReverse(x, y):
def boundMercator(x):
return min(max(x, -math.pi), math.pi)
lon = math.degrees(boundMercator(x))
lat = math.degrees(math.atan(math.sinh(boundMercator(y))))
return lat, lon

def mercatorForward(lat, lon):
def boundPi(l):
while l < -math.pi:
l += math.pi * 2
while l > math.pi:
l -= math.pi * 2
return l
def boundLat(lat):
LAT_BOUND = math.radians(89)
return min(max(boundPi(lat), -LAT_BOUND), LAT_BOUND)
x = boundPi(float(math.radians(lon)))
lat = boundLat(math.radians(lat))
y = math.log(math.tan(lat) + 1.0 / math.cos(lat))
return x, y

def latLngToDegress(val):
min, degress = math.modf(val)
sec, min = math.modf(min * 60)
sec = sec * 60
return degress,min,sec

def xyzToLatLon(x, y, z):
RADIUS_EARTH_METERS = 6366197.7236758134307553505349006
q = 2*math.pi / math.pow(2, z+1)
cx = (q * (2*x+1)) - math.pi
cy = math.pi - (q * (2*y+1))
lat, lon = mercatorReverse(cx, cy)
width = (2*math.pi * RADIUS_EARTH_METERS * math.cos(math.radians(lat))) / math.pow(2.0,z);
return (lat, lon, width)

def LatLonToxyz(lat, lon, z, expect_int=True):
rotate = 0
fs = math.sin(math.radians(-rotate))
fc = math.cos(math.radians(-rotate))
cos_lat = math.cos(math.radians(lat))
x, y = mercatorForward(lat, lon)
q = 2*math.pi / math.pow(2, z+1)
xx = ((x+math.pi)/q - 1)/2
yy = ((math.pi-y)/q - 1)/2
if expect_int:
return int(round(xx)), int(round(yy))
return xx, yy

def xyztoQuadkey(x, y, z):
s = ""
for i in xrange(0, z):
d = 48
ii = z - i
mask = 1 << (ii - 1)
if x & mask:
d = d + 1
if y & mask:
d = d + 2
s = s + chr(d)
return s

""" Converts a point from latitude/longitude WGS-84 coordinates (in degrees)
into pixel XY coordinates at a specified level of detail.
latitudeLatitude of the point, in degrees.
longitudeLongitude of the point, in degrees.
zoomlevelLevel of detail, from 1 (lowest detail) to 23 (highest detail).
pixelXOutput parameter receiving the X coordinate in pixels.
pixelYOutput parameter receiving the Y coordinate in pixels."""
def LatLongToPixelXY(latitude, longitude, zoomlevel, tilesize_in_pixel=256):
latitude = Clip(latitude, MinLatitude, MaxLatitude)
longitude = Clip(longitude, MinLongitude, MaxLongitude)
x = (longitude + 180) / 360
sinLatitude = math.sin(latitude * math.pi/180)
y = 0.5 - math.log((1 + sinLatitude) /(1 - sinLatitude))/(4 * math.pi)
mapSize = MapSize(zoomlevel, tilesize_in_pixel)
pixelX = Clip(x * mapSize + 0.5, 0, mapSize - 1)
pixelY = Clip(y * mapSize + 0.5, 0, mapSize - 1)
return pixelX, pixelY

""" Converts a pixel from pixel XY coordinates at a specified
level of detail into latitude/longitude WGS-84 coordinates (in degrees).
pixelXX coordinate of the point, in pixels.
pixelYY coordinates of the point, in pixels.
levelOfDetailLevel of detail, from 1 (lowest detail) to 23 (highest detail).
latitudeOutput parameter receiving the latitude in degrees.
longitudeOutput parameter receiving the longitude in degrees."""
def PixelXYToLatLong(pixelX, pixelY, zoomlevel, tilesize_in_pixel=256):
mapSize = MapSize(zoomlevel, tilesize_in_pixel)
x = (Clip(pixelX, 0, mapSize - 1) / mapSize) - 0.5
y = 0.5 - (Clip(pixelY, 0, mapSize - 1) / mapSize)
latitude = 90 - (360*math.atan(math.exp(-y * 2 * math.pi))/math.pi)
longitude = 360 * x
return latitude, longitude

""" Converts pixel XY coordinates into tile XY coordinates
of the tile containing the specified pixel.
pixelXPixel X coordinate.
pixelYPixel Y coordinate.
tileXOutput parameter receiving the tile X coordinate.
tileYOutput parameter receiving the tile Y coordinate."""
def PixelXYToTileXY(pixelX, pixelY, tilesize_in_pixel=256):
tileX = pixelX / tilesize_in_pixel
tileY = pixelY / tilesize_in_pixel
return tileX, tileY

""" Converts tile XY coordinates into pixel XY coordinates of the upper-left pixel of the specified tile.
tileXTile X coordinate.
tileYTile Y coordinate.
pixelXOutput parameter receiving the pixel X coordinate.
pixelYOutput parameter receiving the pixel Y coordinate."""
def TileXYToPixelXY(tileX, tileY, tilesize_in_pixel=256):
pixelX = tileX * tilesize_in_pixel
pixelY = tileY * tilesize_in_pixel
return pixelX, pixelY

################################### INTERSECTION ##########################################
""" searching crossing segments or coincident/parallel segments.
Please, paid on attansion that it is math system.
params: segment1 and segment2
def MathFindIntersection(segment1, segment2):
denom = ((segment2.p2.y - segment2.p1.y)*(segment1.p2.x - segment1.p1.x))- \
((segment2.p2.x - segment2.p1.x)*(segment1.p2.y - segment1.p1.y))
nume_a = ((segment2.p2.x - segment2.p1.x)*(segment1.p1.y - segment2.p1.y)) - \
((segment2.p2.y - segment2.p1.y)*(segment1.p1.x - segment2.p1.x))
nume_b = ((segment1.p2.x - segment1.p1.x)*(segment1.p1.y - segment2.p1.y)) - \
((segment1.p2.y - segment1.p1.y)*(segment1.p1.x - segment2.p1.x))
if denom == 0.0:
if nume_a == 0.0 and nume_b == 0.0:
coincident_x1 = None
coincident_y1 = None
coincident_x2 = None
coincident_y2 = None
# coincident_y1
if segment1.p1.y < segment1.p2.y:
if segment1.p1.y <= segment2.p1.y <= segment1.p2.y:
coincident_y1 = segment2.p1.y
elif segment1.p1.y <= segment2.p2.y <= segment1.p2.y:
coincident_y1 = segment2.p2.y
if segment1.p2.y <= segment2.p1.y <= segment1.p1.y:
coincident_y1 = segment2.p1.y
elif segment1.p2.y <= segment2.p2.y <= segment1.p1.y:
coincident_y1 = segment2.p2.y
# coincident_y2
if segment2.p1.y < segment2.p2.y:
if segment2.p1.y <= segment1.p1.y <= segment2.p2.y:
coincident_y2 = segment1.p1.y
elif segment2.p1.y <= segment1.p2.y <= segment2.p2.y:
coincident_y2 = segment1.p2.y
if segment2.p2.y <= segment1.p1.y <= segment2.p1.y:
coincident_y2 = segment1.p1.y
elif segment2.p2.y <= segment1.p2.y <= segment2.p1.y:
coincident_y2 = segment1.p2.y
# coincident_x1
if segment1.p1.x < segment1.p2.x:
if segment1.p1.x <= segment2.p1.x <= segment1.p2.x:
coincident_x1 = segment2.p1.x
elif segment1.p1.x <= segment2.p2.x <= segment1.p2.x:
coincident_x1 = segment2.p2.x
if segment1.p2.x <= segment2.p1.x <= segment1.p1.x:
coincident_x1 = segment2.p1.x
elif segment1.p2.x <= segment2.p2.x <= segment1.p1.x:
coincident_x1 = segment2.p2.x
# coincident_x2
if segment2.p1.x < segment2.p2.x:
if segment2.p1.x <= segment1.p1.x <= segment2.p2.x:
coincident_x2 = segment1.p1.x
elif segment2.p1.x <= segment1.p2.x <= segment2.p2.x:
coincident_x2 = segment1.p2.x
if segment2.p2.x <= segment1.p1.x <= segment2.p1.x:
coincident_x2 = segment1.p1.x
elif segment2.p2.x <= segment1.p2.x <= segment2.p1.x:
coincident_x2 = segment1.p2.x
return 'COINCIDENT', (coincident_x1, coincident_y1, coincident_x2, coincident_y2)
return 'PARALLEL', (None, None)
ua = (nume_a / denom)
ub = (nume_b / denom)
if ua >= 0.0 and ua <= 1.0 and ub >= 0.0 and ub <= 1.0:
intersection_x = segment1.p1.x + ua*(segment1.p2.x - segment1.p1.x)
intersection_y = segment1.p1.y + ua*(segment1.p2.y - segment1.p1.y)
return 'INTERESECTING', (intersection_x, intersection_y)
return 'NOT_INTERESECTING', (None, None)

""" searching crossing segments or coincident/parallel segments.
Please, paid on attansion that it is MERCATOR system.
params: segment1 and segment2
def MercatorFindLLIntersection(segment1, segment2):
x11, y11 = mercatorForward(float(segment1.p1.x), float(segment1.p1.y))
x12, y12 = mercatorForward(float(segment1.p2.x), float(segment1.p2.y))
x21, y21 = mercatorForward(float(segment2.p1.x), float(segment2.p1.y))
x22, y22 = mercatorForward(float(segment2.p2.x), float(segment2.p2.y))
segment_a = LineSegment(x11,y11,x12,y12)
segment_b = LineSegment(x21,y21,x22,y22)
result, xy = MathFindIntersection(segment_a, segment_b)
if result == 'INTERESECTING':
ll_x, ll_y = mercatorReverse(xy[0], xy[1])
return result, (ll_x, ll_y)
if result == 'COINCIDENT':
if None not in xy:
ll_x1, ll_y1 = mercatorReverse(float(xy[0]), float(xy[1]))
ll_x2, ll_y2 = mercatorReverse(float(xy[2]), float(xy[3]))
return result, (ll_x1, ll_y1, ll_x2, ll_y2)
return 'None', None
# just for comments
#elif result == 'PARALLEL':
#elif result == 'NOT_INTERESECTING':
return MathFindIntersection(segment_a, segment_b)

""" searching crossing segments or coincident/parallel segments.
Please, paid on attansion that it is MERCATOR system.
params: segment1 and segment2
def PixelFindIntersection(segment1, segment2, zoomlevel=15, tilesize_in_pixel=256):
p1 = LatLongToPixelXY(segment1.p1.x, segment1.p1.y, zoomlevel, tilesize_in_pixel)
p2 = LatLongToPixelXY(segment1.p2.x, segment1.p2.y, zoomlevel, tilesize_in_pixel)
p3 = LatLongToPixelXY(segment2.p1.x, segment2.p1.y, zoomlevel, tilesize_in_pixel)
p4 = LatLongToPixelXY(segment2.p2.x, segment2.p2.y, zoomlevel, tilesize_in_pixel)
s1 = LineSegment(int(p1[0]),int(p1[1]), int(p2[0]), int(p2[1]))
s2 = LineSegment(int(p3[0]),int(p3[1]), int(p4[0]), int(p4[1]))
return MathFindIntersection(s1, s2)

###################################### SHIFTING ######################################
""" We try to shift segment2 against segment1 to right or up.
params: segment1 and segment2
def MakeMathShifting(segment, side='right', shift=1):
# y = kx+b; k = (y2-y1)/(x2-x1); b = (y1*x2-y2*x1)/(x2-x1)
# along OX. Move segment to up
if side == 'up':
nlat1, nlon1 = segment.p1.x, segment.p1.y+shift
nlat2, nlon2 = segment.p2.x, segment.p2.y+shift
#elif side == 'right':
# along OY or k!=0 Move segment2 to right
nlat1, nlon1 = segment.p1.x+shift, segment.p1.y
nlat2, nlon2 = segment.p2.x+shift, segment.p2.y
return nlat1,nlon1,nlat2,nlon2

""" We try to shift segment2 against segment1 to right or up depend on distance in meters.
params: segment1 and segment2
def MakeLLShifting(segment, side='right', shift=10, angle=0):
# shift - in meters
lat1 = float(segment.p1.x)
lon1 = float(segment.p1.y)
lat2 = float(segment.p2.x)
lon2 = float(segment.p2.y)
if side == 'up':
nlat1, nlon1 = move(float(lat1), float(lon1), shift, 0)
nlat2, nlon2 = move(float(lat2), float(lon2), shift, 0)
elif side == 'right':
nlat1, nlon1 = move(float(lat1), float(lon1), shift, 270)
nlat2, nlon2 = move(float(lat2), float(lon2), shift, 270)
nlat1, nlon1 = move(float(lat1), float(lon1), shift, angle)
nlat2, nlon2 = move(float(lat2), float(lon2), shift, angle)
return nlat1,nlon1,nlat2,nlon2

""" We try to shift point to right or up depend on distance in meters.
params: (lat,lon)
def MakePointLLShifting(point, side='right', shift=30, angle=0):
# shift in meters
lat1 = float(point[0])
lon1 = float(point[1])
if side == 'up':
nlat1, nlon1 = move(lat1, lon1, shift, 0)
elif side == 'right':
nlat1, nlon1 = move(lat1, lon1, shift, 270)
nlat1, nlon1 = move(lat1, lon1, shift, angle)
return nlat1,nlon1

""" We try to shift segment2 against segment1 to right or up depend on distance in pixels.
params: segment1 and segment2
def MakePixelsShifting(segment, side='right', shift=2, zoomlevel=15, tilesize_in_pixel=256):
# due to OX_OY different in pixel system where 0,0 -> top_left; x,y ->bottom_right
# shift in pixels
lat1 = float(segment.p1.x)
lon1 = float(segment.p1.y)
lat2 = float(segment.p2.x)
lon2 = float(segment.p2.y)
if side == 'up':
px1, py1 = LatLongToPixelXY(lat1, lon1, zoomlevel, tilesize_in_pixel) #lat/lon
px2, py2 = LatLongToPixelXY(lat2, lon2, zoomlevel, tilesize_in_pixel) #lat/lon
py1 = py1 - shift
py2 = py2 - shift
nlat1, nlon1 = PixelXYToLatLong(px1, py1, zoomlevel, tilesize_in_pixel)
nlat2, nlon2 = PixelXYToLatLong(px2, py2, zoomlevel, tilesize_in_pixel)
#elif side == 'right':
px1, py1 = LatLongToPixelXY(lat1, lon1, zoomlevel, tilesize_in_pixel) #lat/lon
px2, py2 = LatLongToPixelXY(lat2, lon2, zoomlevel, tilesize_in_pixel) #lat/lon
px1 = px1 + shift
px2 = px2 + shift
nlat1, nlon1 = PixelXYToLatLong(px1, py1, zoomlevel, tilesize_in_pixel)
nlat2, nlon2 = PixelXYToLatLong(px2, py2, zoomlevel, tilesize_in_pixel)
return nlat1,nlon1,nlat2,nlon2

""" We try to shift point to right or up depend on distance in pixels and zoomlevel.
params: (lat,lon)
def MakeOnePixelShifting(point, side='right', shift=2, zoomlevel=15):
# due to OX_OY different in pixel system where 0,0 -> top_left; x,y ->bottom_right
# shift in pixels
lat1 = point[0] #lat
lon1 = point[1] #lon
if side == 'up':
px1, py1 = LatLongToPixelXY(lat1, lon1, zoomlevel) #lat/lon
py1 = py1 - shift
nlat1, nlon1 = PixelXYToLatLong(px1, py1, zoomlevel)
#elif side == 'right':
px1, py1 = LatLongToPixelXY(lat1, lon1, zoomlevel) #lat/lon
px1 = px1 + shift
nlat1, nlon1 = PixelXYToLatLong(px1, py1, zoomlevel)
return nlat1,nlon1

###################################### MAIN ############################################
def help():
print """
latlon.py -f x y z # convert xyz to lat/lon/width
latlon.py -f 'x=XXX&y=YYY&z=ZZZ'
latlon.py -r lat lon z # return x and y for zoom"""

def main():
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
if sys.argv[1] == '-f':
r = None
if len(sys.argv)==5:
params = [int(x) for x in sys.argv[2:5]]
r = xyzToLatLon(params[0], params[1], params[2])
elif len(sys.argv)==3:
m = re.search('x=(\d+).*y=(\d+).*z=(\d+)', sys.argv[2], re.IGNORECASE)
if m:
params = [int(x) for x in m.group(1,2,3)]
r = xyzToLatLon(params[0], params[1], params[2])
if not r:
print "lat/lon: %f %f width: %f" % (r[0], r[1], r[2])
print "lat/log: %s, %s" % (toseconds(r[0]), toseconds(r[1]))

if sys.argv[1] == '-r':
params = [float(x) for x in sys.argv[2:5]]
print LatLonToxyz(params[0], params[1], int(params[2]))

def test():
for z in range(4,11):
m = (1 << z) - 1
print z, m*m
for x in range(0, m):
for y in range(0, m):
lat, lon, width = xyzToLatLon(x,y,z)
r = LatLonToxyz(lat, lon, z)
if x != r[0] or y != r[1]:
print x,y,z,lat,lon,r[0],r[1]

def test1():
import get_route
routeid=get_route.get_routeid([33.931575,-118.363227, 33.938465,-118.36799]).encode('base64').strip('\n')
routeid=get_route.get_routeid([33.938465,-118.36799, 33.930542, -118.3755]).encode('base64').strip('\n')
bbox = latlon.get_bbox_from_points(points,zoom)
res = latlon.get_points_for_each_tile(points,zoom)
print bbox
print res
for k,v in res.items():
for i in xrange(bbox[0],bbox[2]):
for j in xrange(bbox[1],bbox[3]):
if k == "%s_%s"%(i,j):
print k,v

if __name__ == "__main__":
# test()

############################### XLAM ##############################################
def get_points_for_each_tile(points,zoom):
previous_tile_point = None
previous_point = None
previous_key = ''
for point in enumerate(points):
x, y = LatLonToxyz(point[1][0], point[1][1], zoom)
if not res.get(key):
res[key] = []
if previous_point:
if previous_key == key:
list_index = len(res[key]) - 1
if (point[0] - previous_point[0]) == 1:
else: # change happens
# create new list. add to new.
list_index = len(res[key]) - 1
if res.get(previous_key):
list_index = len(res[previous_key]) - 1
previous_point = point
if previous_key != key:
previous_key = key
return res
#print "%s"%(get_points_for_each_tile(points,15))

#polyline = [(33.55946124, -117.72948682), (33.55935931, -117.72943318), (33.55897307, -117.72910058), (33.55875313, -117.72877872), (33.55860293, -117.72840858), (33.55853319, -117.72815108), (33.55850101, -117.72757173), (33.55856001, -117.72716939)]
#latlon.optimization_by_route(polyline,22) == latlon.optimization_by_box(polyline,22)
Андрей Светлов
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