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Providing initial SQL data¶
Django provides a hook for passing the database arbitrary SQL that’s executed just after the CREATE TABLE statements when you run syncdb. You can use this hook to populate default records, or you could also create SQL functions, views, triggers, etc.
The hook is simple: Django just looks for a file called sql/<modelname>.sql, in your app directory, where <modelname> is the model’s name in lowercase.
So, if you had a Person model in an app called myapp, you could add arbitrary SQL to the file sql/person.sql inside your myapp directory. Here’s an example of what the file might contain:
INSERT INTO myapp_person (first_name, last_name) VALUES ('John', 'Lennon');
INSERT INTO myapp_person (first_name, last_name) VALUES ('Paul', 'McCartney');
Each SQL file, if given, is expected to contain valid SQL statements which will insert the desired data (e.g., properly-formatted INSERT statements separated by semicolons).