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Полная версия: Как подключить стороние модули, например kinterbasdb
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Привет Всем! Подскажите плиз, как подключить сторонние модули, например kinterbasdb
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А вообще подключают так:
import kinterbasdb
Только надо заинсталлировать сначала сам модуль.
прошу прощения, может я не так выразился, не подключить модуль в теле программы,
а проинсталлировать пакет, чтобы Питон увидел его
Под какую ось?
винда ))

1. Operating System - one of:
* Win32 (95, 98, ME, NT 4, 2000, XP, 2003, …)
* Win64 (Should work fine, but no binary distributions are available.)
* Linux (Known to work fine on both x86 and x86-64.)
* Other Unix or Unix-like operating system
2. Database - one of:
* Firebird 1.0 or later - client or server installation
* Interbase® 6.x or later - client or server installation
3. Python 2.3 or later

4. eGenix.com mx Extensions for Python, version 2.0.1 or later

By default, KInterbasDB uses the DateTime module of the eGenix.com mx Extensions to represent date and time values, as recommended by the Python DB API Specification.
Because KInterbasDB is compatible with numerous versions of Python and Interbase®/Firebird, you must choose a binary distribution that matches both your Python version and your database client library version. There are currently two sets of Windows binary distributions of KInterbasDB; each set offers two files, one for each of Python 2.3 and 2.4:

* kinterbasdb-V.V.win32-FB-1.0-pyV.V.exe
For use with the gds32.dll included with Interbase®, Firebird 1.0, or Firebird 1.5.
* kinterbasdb-V.V.win32-FB-1.5+2.0-pyV.V.exe
For use with the fbclient.dll client library included with Firebird 1.5 and 2.x.
Although the previous gds32.dll-dependent distribution will also work with Firebird 1.5, this distribution is preferable because Firebird 1.5's gds32.dll is just a proxy for fbclient.dll.

Also available is a file called kinterbasdb-V.V.win32-all_binaries_pack.zip, which includes the binary .pyd files from all binary Windows distributions of KInterbasDB listed above. The Python programmer can manually extract the required binaries from this “binary pack”, which makes it easier to use KInterbasDB with Python installations that are not listed in the Windows registry, such as the Python distribution included with the binary distribution of Zope for Windows.
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