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I have line ‘pythonpythonpyth’. How do I know which word is the foundation line?.
Other examples:
“hellohellohellohello” –> hello
“thewordword” –> thewordword

I need to know whether the word in the text is repeated and get it. This will be the key.
>>> def f(s):
...     i = s.find(s[0], 1)
...     return (i > 0 and s[:i]) or s
>>> f('hellohellohellohello')
>>> f('DOLORIUMD')
>>> f('HELLOL')
>>> f('thewordword')

Там, возможно, нужно проверять повторяемость слова. Чтобы для hellohehellohe выдавало hellohe, а не hello.
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