Задание: http://f-picture.net/lfp/s005.radikal.ru/i209/1505/4c/89c1e82dad31.jpg/htm
from tkinter import * from random import randrange as rnd import time root = Tk() root.geometry('600x800') canv = Canvas(root, bg = '#0044aa') canv.pack(fill=BOTH,expand = 1) class ball(): def __init__(self): self.x = 0 self.y = 0 self.r = 10 self.vx = 0 self.vy = 0 self.goal = 0 self.id= canv.create_oval(self.x-self.r,self.y-self.r,self.x+self.r,self.y+self.r, fill = 'white') def move(self): self.x += self.vx self.y += self.vy active_wall = list(set(canv.find_withtag('wall')) & set(canv.find_overlapping(self.x - self.r*0.7,self.y - self.r*0.7,self.x + self.r*0.7,self.y + self.r*0.7))) if active_wall: if 'x' in canv.gettags(active_wall[0]): self.vx = -self.vx if 'y' in canv.gettags(active_wall[0]): self.vy = -self.vy x1,y1,x2,y2 = canv.coords(active_wall[0]) xc = (x1+x2)/2 w = abs(x1-x2) self.vx += (self.x-xc)/w*10 self.paint() lines = canv.find_overlapping(self.x - self.r*0.7,self.y - self.r*0.7,self.x + self.r*0.7,self.y + self.r*0.7) if len(lines) > 1: if "g1" in canv.gettags(lines[1]): self.goal = 1 self.kill() if "g2" in canv.gettags(lines[1]): self.goal = 2 self.kill() def kill(self): global game game = 0 self.x = 300 self.vx = 0 if self.goal == 2: self.vy = -8 self.y = 100 if self.goal == 1: self.y = 700 self.vy = 8 self.paint() def paint(self): canv.coords(self.id, self.x-self.r,self.y-self.r,self.x+self.r,self.y+self.r) class gamer(): def __init__(self): self.x = 0 self.y = 0 self.w = 60 self.v = 3 self.d = 4 self.mode = '' self.score = 0 self.xy_score = (0,0) self.id= canv.create_rectangle(self.x-self.w,self.y-self.d,self.x+self.w,self.y+self.d, fill = 'white', tags = ('wall','y')) self.id_score = canv.create_text(0,0,text = '', font = 'Tahoma 24', fill = 'white') def paint(self): canv.coords(self.id, self.x-self.w,self.y-self.d,self.x+self.w,self.y+self.d) canv.coords(self.id_score, self.xy_score[0],self.xy_score[1]) canv.itemconfig(self.id_score, text = self.score) def move(self): if self.mode == 'left' and self.x > self.w//2: self.x -= self.v elif self.mode == 'right' and self.x < (590-self.w//2): self.x += self.v self.paint() b = ball() b.x = 100 b.y = 100 b.vx = 4 b.vy = 4 canv.create_line(10,10,10,790,width = 10, fill = 'white', tags = ('wall','x')) canv.create_line(590,10,590,790,width = 10, fill = 'white', tags = ('wall','x')) canv.create_line(10,790/2,590,790/2,width = 2, fill = 'white') canv.create_line(10,11,590,11,width = 2, fill = 'white', tag = 'g1') canv.create_line(10,789,590,789,width = 2, fill = 'white', tag = 'g2') g1 = gamer() g1.x = 300 g1.y = 20 g1.paint() g1.xy_score = (30,50) g2 = gamer() g2.x = 300 g2.y = 780 g2.paint() g2.xy_score = (30,450) game = 1 def key_press(event): global game if event.keycode == 37: g2.mode = 'left' elif event.keycode == 39: g2.mode = 'right' elif event.keycode == 65: g1.mode = 'left' elif event.keycode == 68: g1.mode = 'right' elif event.keycode == 32: game = 1 def key_release(event): if event.keycode == 37 or event.keycode == 39: g2.mode = '' elif event.keycode == 65 or event.keycode == 68: g1.mode = '' root.bind('<Key>', key_press) root.bind('<KeyRelease>', key_release) while 1: if game: b.move() g2.move() g1.move() if b.goal == 1: g2.score += 1 b.goal = 0 elif b.goal == 2: g1.score += 1 b.goal = 0 time.sleep(0.02) canv.update() mainloop()