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Полная версия: AttributeError
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 from Main.models import BTZ, TYPE_CHOICES
def student_btz(request):
    semester = Settings.objects.all()[0].current_semester
    stream = request.session["current_stream"]
    btzs = BTZ.objects.filter(specialty=stream.direction.specialty, course=stream.course, study_language=stream.study_language,semester=semester).order_by('type', 'subject', 'department')
    d = dict(TYPE_CHOICES)
    for btz in btzs:
        btz.type = d[btz.type]
    return {"btzs": btzs}

AttributeError at /student/student_btz/
'NoneType' object has no attribute ‘direction’
Eto znachit, chto v request.session net klucha “current_stream”
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