Сам нашел отличное решение. В Питоне для целей интроспекции существует специальный модуль inspect.
Get useful information from live Python objects.
This module encapsulates the interface provided by the internal special
attributes (func_*, co_*, im_*, tb_*, etc.) in a friendlier fashion.
It also provides some help for examining source code and class layout.
Here are some of the useful functions provided by this module:
ismodule(), isclass(), ismethod(), isfunction(), isgeneratorfunction(),
isgenerator(), istraceback(), isframe(), iscode(), isbuiltin(),
isroutine() - check object types
getmembers() - get members of an object that satisfy a given condition
getfile(), getsourcefile(), getsource() - find an object's source code
getdoc(), getcomments() - get documentation on an object
getmodule() - determine the module that an object came from
getclasstree() - arrange classes so as to represent their hierarchy
getargspec(), getargvalues() - get info about function arguments
formatargspec(), formatargvalues() - format an argument spec
getouterframes(), getinnerframes() - get info about frames
currentframe() - get the current stack frame
stack(), trace() - get info about frames on the stack or in a traceback
import inspect
def cmp(x,y):
if x < y: return -1
elif x > y: return 1
else return 0
print inspect.getsource(cmp)
Что и требовалось! )