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import random import hashlib BASE58 = '23456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz' def Candidate(): """ Generate a random, well-formed mini private key. """ return('%s%s' % ('S', ''.join( [BASE58[ random.randrange(0,len(BASE58)) ] for i in range(29)]))) def GenerateKeys(numKeys = 10): """ Generate mini private keys and output the mini key as well as the full private key. numKeys is The number of keys to generate, and """ keysGenerated = 0 totalCandidates = 0 while keysGenerated < numKeys: try: cand = Candidate() # Do typo check t = '%s?' % cand # Take one round of SHA256 candHash = hashlib.sha256(t).digest() # Check if the first eight bits of the hash are 0 if candHash[0] == '\x00': privateKey = GetPrivateKey(cand) print('\n%s\nSHA256( ): %s\nsha256(?): %s' % (cand, privateKey, candHash.encode('hex_codec'))) if CheckShortKey(cand): print('Validated.') else: print('Invalid!') keysGenerated += 1 totalCandidates += 1 except KeyboardInterrupt: break print('\n%s: %i\n%s: %i\n%s: %.1f' % ('Keys Generated', keysGenerated, 'Total Candidates', totalCandidates, 'Reject Percentage', 100*(1.0-keysGenerated/float(totalCandidates)))) def GetPrivateKey(shortKey): """ Returns the hexadecimal representation of the private key corresponding to the given short key. """ if CheckShortKey(shortKey): return hashlib.sha256(shortKey).hexdigest() else: print('Typo detected in private key!') return None def CheckShortKey(shortKey): """ Checks for typos in the short key. """ if len(shortKey) != 30: return False t = '%s?' % shortKey tHash = hashlib.sha256(t).digest() # Check to see that first byte is \x00 if tHash[0] == '\x00': return True return False GenerateKeys (1)
Отредактировано stalker0007 (Фев. 18, 2019 21:38:58)