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Phone_Book = {} class PhoneBook(): """Creation Phone book""" def __init__(self, name, phone): """Inintiation""" self.name = name self.phone = phone def app(self): """append to book""" file = open('Phone_Book.org', 'rb') Phone_Book = pickle.load(file) file.close() Phone_Book[self.name] = self.phone file = open('Phone_Book.org', 'wb') pickle.dump(Phone_Book, file) file.close() def read_book(self): """Book reading""" file_1 = open('Phone_Book.org', 'rb') total = pickle.load(file_1) print(total) file_1.close() def change(self): """Record change""" name = input('Enter name to change phone: ') phones = input('Enter phone to change: ') a = False file_1 = open('Phone_Book.org', 'rb') Phone_Book = pickle.load(file_1) file_1.close() for key in Phone_Book: if key == name: a = True break if a is True: Phone_Book[name] = phones file = open('Phone_Book.org', 'wb') pickle.dump(Phone_Book, file) file.close() else: print('Error!!!') def del_book(self): """Delete record""" name = input('Enter name to del: ') a = False file = open('Phone_Book.org', 'rb') Phone_Book = pickle.load(file) file.close() for key in Phone_Book: if key == name: a = True break if a is True: del Phone_Book[name] file = open('Phone_Book.org', 'wb') pickle.dump(Phone_Book, file) file.close() else: print('Error!!!') a = PhoneBook init = input('Enter 1 to append, 2 to read, 3 to change, 4 to del, 5 to exit: ') while str(init): if str(init) != str: break else: init = input('Enter 1 to append, 2 to read, 3 to change, 4 to del, 5 to exit: ') while int(init) >= 1 or int(init) <= 5: if int(init) == 1: names = input('Enter name: ') phone = input('Enter phone: ') a = PhoneBook(names, phone) a.app() init = input('Enter 1 to append, 2 to read, 3 to change, 4 to del, 5 to exit: ') elif int(init) == 2: PhoneBook.read_book(Phone_Book) init = input('Enter 1 to append, 2 to read, 3 to change, 4 to del, 5 to exit: ') elif int(init) == 3: PhoneBook.change(Phone_Book) init = input('Enter 1 to append, 2 to read, 3 to change, 4 to del, 5 to exit: ') elif int(init) == 4: PhoneBook.del_book(Phone_Book) init = input('Enter 1 to append, 2 to read, 3 to change, 4 to del, 5 to exit: ') elif int(init) == 5: print('Good bye!') break else: print('Error!') init = input('Enter 1 to append, 2 to read, 3 to change, 4 to del, 5 to exit: ')[/size][code python][/code]
Это мой код по той же задаче. Громоздкий, но работает. ))))