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Пытался дописать инженерный калькулятор что бы считал в градах и радианах, но он считает только в градах, а в радианы не переходит.
P.S. При нажатии на кнопки ‘RAD’ или ‘DEG’ меняется переменная и в зависимости от этой переменной считаются cos и sin
from tkinter import * from tkinter import messagebox from tkinter import ttk import math import sys root = Tk() root.title("Calculator") bttn_list = [ "7", "8", "9", "+", "*", "4", "5", "6", "-", "/", "1", "2", "3", "=", "xⁿ", "0", ".", "±", "C", "Exit", "π", "sin", "cos", "(", ")","n!","√2", "RAD", "DEG" ] r = 1 c = 0 for i in bttn_list: rel = "" cmd=lambda x=i: calc(x) ttk.Button(root, text=i, command = cmd, width = 10).grid(row=r, column = c) c += 1 if c > 4: c = 0 r += 1 calc_entry = Entry(root, width = 35) calc_entry.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=5) def calc(key): a = 'DEG' global memory if key == "=": str1 = "-+0123456789.*/)(" if calc_entry.get()[0] not in str1: calc_entry.insert(END, "First symbol is not number!") messagebox.showerror("Error!", "You did not enter the number!") try: result = eval(calc_entry.get()) calc_entry.insert(END, "=" + str(result)) except: calc_entry.insert(END, "Error!") messagebox.showerror("Error!", "Check the correctness of data") elif key == "DEG": a = 'DEG' print(a) elif key == "RAD": a = 'RAD' print(a) elif key == "sin" and a == "RAD": calc_entry.insert(END, "=" + str(math.sin(math.degrees(int(calc_entry.get()))))) elif key == "cos" and a == "RAD": calc_entry.insert(END, "=" + str(math.cos(math.degrees(int(calc_entry.get()))))) elif key == "sin" and a == "DEG": calc_entry.insert(END, "=" + str(math.sin(math.radians(int(calc_entry.get()))))) elif key == "cos" and a == "DEG": calc_entry.insert(END, "=" + str(math.cos(math.radians(int(calc_entry.get()))))) elif key == "C": calc_entry.delete(0, END) elif key == "±": if "=" in calc_entry.get(): calc_entry.delete(0, END) try: if calc_entry.get()[0] == "-": calc_entry.delete(0) else: calc_entry.insert(0, "-") except IndexError: pass elif key == "π": calc_entry.insert(END, math.pi) elif key == "Exit": root.after(1,root.destroy) sys.exit elif key == "xⁿ": calc_entry.insert(END, "**") elif key == "(": calc_entry.insert(END, "(") elif key == ")": calc_entry.insert(END, ")") elif key == "n!": calc_entry.insert(END, "=" + str(math.factorial(int(calc_entry.get())))) elif key == "√2": calc_entry.insert(END, "=" + str(math.sqrt(int(calc_entry.get())))) else: if "=" in calc_entry.get(): calc_entry.delete(0, END) calc_entry.insert(END, key) root.mainloop()
Отредактировано RuS_Skiy (Фев. 21, 2021 15:46:51)
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