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Здравствуйте. подскажите пожалуйста, возможно ли сделать в pyqtgraph гистограмму с отображением максимального значения.
т.е у меня гистограмма показывает в реальном времени изменение 4-х переменных, они постоянно прыгаю и хотелось бы чтобы на графике отображался ее фиксированный максимальный пик ( в виде точки либо второго графика за основной диаграммой).
код отображения гистограммы
# Plot widget for histogram self.pbar = pg.PlotWidget(background = (13 , 13, 13, 255)) self.pbar.showGrid(x = True, y = True, alpha = 0.7) self.pb1 = pg.BarGraphItem(x=np.linspace(1, 2, num=1), height=np.linspace(1, 2, num=1), width=0.3, pen = QtGui.QColor(153,0,0), brush=QtGui.QColor(153,0,0)) self.pb2 = pg.BarGraphItem(x=np.linspace(2, 3, num=1), height=np.linspace(2, 3, num=1), width=0.3, pen=QtGui.QColor(229, 104, 19), brush=QtGui.QColor(229, 104, 19)) self.pb3 = pg.BarGraphItem(x=np.linspace(3, 4, num=1), height=np.linspace(3, 4, num=1), width=0.3, pen=QtGui.QColor(221, 180, 10), brush=QtGui.QColor(221, 180, 10)) self.pb4 = pg.BarGraphItem(x=np.linspace(4, 5, num=1), height=np.linspace(4, 5, num=1), width=0.3, pen=QtGui.QColor(30, 180, 30), brush=QtGui.QColor(30, 180, 30)) self.pbar.addItem(self.pb1) self.pbar.addItem(self.pb2) self.pbar.addItem(self.pb3) self.pbar.addItem(self.pb4)
self.pb1.setOpts(height=self.DataMovingAverage[0][self.l-1]) self.pb2.setOpts(height=self.DataMovingAverage[1][self.l-1]) self.pb3.setOpts(height=self.DataMovingAverage[2][self.l-1]) self.pb4.setOpts(height=self.DataMovingAverage[3][self.l-1])
from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtWidgets, QtGui from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt import sys import serial import pyqtgraph as pg import numpy as np import time from scipy.signal import butter, lfilter import serial.tools.list_ports from datetime import datetime from scipy.fftpack import fft # Main window class GUI(QtWidgets.QMainWindow): # Initialize constructor def __init__(self): super(GUI, self).__init__() self.initUI() # Custom constructor def initUI(self): # Values COM = '' #Example: COM='COM6' baudRate = 115200 #Serial frequency self.f = open(datetime.now().strftime("%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S") + ".txt", "w") self.f.write(datetime.now().strftime("Date: %Y.%m.%d\rTime: %H:%M:%S") + "\r\n") self.f.write("File format: \r\nseconds | data1 | data2 | data3 | data4 | data5 | data6 | data7| data8 | data9 \r\n") self.l = 0 #Current point self.dt = 0.00125 #Updating time s self.fs = 1 / self.dt #Updating frequency in Hz self.passLowFrec = 10.0 #Low frequency for passband filter self.passHighFrec = 200.0 #Low frequency for passband filter self.dataWidth = 10000 #Maximum count of data points self.xH = [0]*10 self.Time = [0]*self.dataWidth #Tine array self.timeWidth = 10 #Time width of plot self.Data = np.zeros((9, self.dataWidth)) self.DataMovingAverage = np.zeros((4, self.dataWidth)) self.MA = np.zeros((9, 3)) self.MA_alpha = 0.95 self.Y0 = np.zeros(9) self.X0 = np.zeros(9) self.FFT = 0 self.msg_end = np.array([0]) self.setWindowTitle("MYOstack GUI v1.0.1 | ELEMYO" + " ( COM Port not found )") self.setWindowIcon(QtGui.QIcon('img/icon.png')) # Menu panel startAction = QtGui.QAction(QtGui.QIcon('img/start.png'), 'Start (Enter)', self) startAction.setShortcut('Return') startAction.triggered.connect(self.start) stopAction = QtGui.QAction(QtGui.QIcon('img/pause.png'), 'Stop (Space)', self) stopAction.setShortcut('Space') stopAction.triggered.connect(self.stop) refreshAction = QtGui.QAction(QtGui.QIcon('img/refresh.png'), 'Refresh (R)', self) refreshAction.setShortcut('r') refreshAction.triggered.connect(self.refresh) exitAction = QtGui.QAction(QtGui.QIcon('img/out.png'), 'Exit (Esc)', self) exitAction.setShortcut('Esc') exitAction.triggered.connect(self.close) # Toolbar toolbar = self.addToolBar('Tool') toolbar.addAction(startAction) toolbar.addAction(stopAction) toolbar.addAction(refreshAction) toolbar.addAction(exitAction) # Plot widget for 1st sensor self.pw1 = pg.PlotWidget(background = (21 , 21, 21, 255)) self.pw1.showGrid(x = True, y = True, alpha = 0.7) self.p1 = self.pw1.plot() self.p1.setPen(color=(100,255,255), width=1) # Plot widget for 2nd sensor self.pw2 = pg.PlotWidget(background = (13 , 13, 13, 255)) self.pw2.showGrid(x = True, y = True, alpha = 0.7) self.p2 = self.pw2.plot() self.p2.setPen(color=(100,255,255), width=1) # Plot widget for 3rd sensor self.pw3 = pg.PlotWidget(background = (21 , 21, 21, 255)) self.pw3.showGrid(x = True, y = True, alpha = 0.7) self.p3 = self.pw3.plot() self.p3.setPen(color=(100,255,255), width=1) # Plot widget for 4th sensor self.pw4 = pg.PlotWidget(background = (13 , 13, 13, 255)) self.pw4.showGrid(x = True, y = True, alpha = 0.7) self.p4 = self.pw4.plot() self.p4.setPen(color=(100,255,255), width=1) # Plot widget for 5th sensor self.pw5 = pg.PlotWidget(background = (21 , 21, 21, 255)) self.pw5.showGrid(x = True, y = True, alpha = 0.7) self.p5 = self.pw5.plot() self.p5.setPen(color=(100,255,255), width=1) # Plot widget for 6th sensor self.pw6 = pg.PlotWidget(background = (13 , 13, 13, 255)) self.pw6.showGrid(x = True, y = True, alpha = 0.7) self.p6 = self.pw6.plot() self.p6.setPen(color=(100,255,255), width=1) # Plot widget for 7th sensor self.pw7 = pg.PlotWidget(background = (21 , 21, 21, 255)) self.pw7.showGrid(x = True, y = True, alpha = 0.7) self.p7 = self.pw7.plot() self.p7.setPen(color=(100,255,255), width=1) # Plot widget for 8th sensor self.pw8 = pg.PlotWidget(background = (13 , 13, 13, 255)) self.pw8.showGrid(x = True, y = True, alpha = 0.7) self.p8 = self.pw8.plot() self.p8.setPen(color=(100,255,255), width=1) # Plot widget for 9th sensor self.pw9 = pg.PlotWidget(background = (21 , 21, 21, 255)) self.pw9.showGrid(x = True, y = True, alpha = 0.7) self.p9 = self.pw9.plot() self.p9.setPen(color=(100,255,255), width=1) # Plot widget for spectral Plot self.pw10 = pg.PlotWidget(background = (13 , 13, 13, 255)) self.pw10.showGrid(x = True, y = True, alpha = 0.7) self.p10 = self.pw10.plot() self.p10.setPen(color=(100,255,255), width=1) self.pw10.setLabel('bottom', 'Frequency', 'Hz') # Plot widget for histogram self.pbar = pg.PlotWidget(background = (13 , 13, 13, 255)) self.pbar.showGrid(x = True, y = True, alpha = 0.7) self.pb1 = pg.BarGraphItem(x=np.linspace(1, 2, num=1), height=np.linspace(1, 2, num=1), width=0.3, pen = QtGui.QColor(153,0,0), brush=QtGui.QColor(153,0,0)) self.pb2 = pg.BarGraphItem(x=np.linspace(2, 3, num=1), height=np.linspace(2, 3, num=1), width=0.3, pen=QtGui.QColor(229, 104, 19), brush=QtGui.QColor(229, 104, 19)) self.pb3 = pg.BarGraphItem(x=np.linspace(3, 4, num=1), height=np.linspace(3, 4, num=1), width=0.3, pen=QtGui.QColor(221, 180, 10), brush=QtGui.QColor(221, 180, 10)) self.pb4 = pg.BarGraphItem(x=np.linspace(4, 5, num=1), height=np.linspace(4, 5, num=1), width=0.3, pen=QtGui.QColor(30, 180, 30), brush=QtGui.QColor(30, 180, 30)) self.pbar.addItem(self.pb1) self.pbar.addItem(self.pb2) self.pbar.addItem(self.pb3) self.pbar.addItem(self.pb4) self.pbar.setLabel('bottom', 'Sensor number') # Styles centralStyle = "color: rgb(255, 255, 255); background-color: rgb(13, 13, 13);" editStyle = "border-style: solid; border-width: 1px;" # Settings zone filtersText = QtWidgets.QLabel("FILTERS:") self.passLowFreq = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(str(self.passLowFrec), self) self.passLowFreq.setMaximumWidth(100) self.passLowFreq.setStyleSheet(editStyle) self.passHighFreq = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(str(self.passHighFrec), self) self.passHighFreq.setMaximumWidth(100) self.passHighFreq.setStyleSheet(editStyle) self.bandpass = QtWidgets.QCheckBox("BANDPASS FILTER:") self.bandstop50 = QtWidgets.QCheckBox("NOTCH 50 Hz") self.bandstop60 = QtWidgets.QCheckBox("NOTCH 60 Hz") self.MovingAverage = QtWidgets.QCheckBox("Signal envelope") fft1 = QtWidgets.QRadioButton('1') fft1.setChecked(True) fft1.Value = 1 fft2 = QtWidgets.QRadioButton('2') fft2.Value = 2 fft3 = QtWidgets.QRadioButton('3') fft3.Value = 3 fft4 = QtWidgets.QRadioButton('4') fft4.Value = 4 fft5 = QtWidgets.QRadioButton('5') fft5.Value = 5 fft6 = QtWidgets.QRadioButton('6') fft6.Value = 6 fft7 = QtWidgets.QRadioButton('7') fft7.Value = 7 fft8 = QtWidgets.QRadioButton('8') fft8.Value = 8 fft9 = QtWidgets.QRadioButton('9') fft9.Value = 9 self.button_group = QtWidgets.QButtonGroup() self.button_group.buttonClicked.connect(self._on_radio_button_clicked) self.l11 = QtWidgets.QLabel("") self.l11.setStyleSheet("font-size: 25px; background-color: rgb(21,21,21);") self.l13 = QtWidgets.QLabel("") self.l13.setStyleSheet("font-size: 25px; background-color: rgb(21,21,21);") self.l15 = QtWidgets.QLabel("") self.l15.setStyleSheet("font-size: 25px; background-color: rgb(21,21,21);") self.l17 = QtWidgets.QLabel("") self.l17.setStyleSheet("font-size: 25px; background-color: rgb(21,21,21);") self.l19 = QtWidgets.QLabel("") self.l19.setStyleSheet("font-size: 25px; background-color: rgb(21,21,21);") self.l1 = QtWidgets.QLabel(" 1 ") self.l1.setStyleSheet("font-size: 25px; background-color: rgb(153,0,0); border-radius: 14px;") self.l2 = QtWidgets.QLabel(" 2") self.l2.setStyleSheet("font-size: 25px; background-color: rgb(229, 104, 19); border-radius: 14px;") self.l3 = QtWidgets.QLabel(" 3 ") self.l3.setStyleSheet("font-size: 25px; background-color: rgb(221, 180, 10); border-radius: 14px;") self.l4 = QtWidgets.QLabel(" 4 ") self.l4.setStyleSheet("font-size: 25px; background-color: rgb(30, 180, 30); border-radius: 14px;") self.l5 = QtWidgets.QLabel(" 5 ") self.l5.setStyleSheet("font-size: 25px; background-color: rgb(11, 50, 51); border-radius: 14px;") self.l6 = QtWidgets.QLabel(" 6 ") self.l6.setStyleSheet("font-size: 25px; background-color: rgb(29, 160, 191); border-radius: 14px;") self.l7 = QtWidgets.QLabel(" 7 ") self.l7.setStyleSheet("font-size: 25px; background-color: rgb(30, 30, 188); border-radius: 14px;") self.l8 = QtWidgets.QLabel(" 8 ") self.l8.setStyleSheet("font-size: 25px; background-color: rgb(75, 13, 98); border-radius: 14px;") self.l9 = QtWidgets.QLabel(" 9 ") self.l9.setStyleSheet("font-size: 25px; background-color: rgb(139, 0, 55); border-radius: 14px;") # Main widget centralWidget = QtWidgets.QWidget() centralWidget.setStyleSheet(centralStyle) # Layout vbox = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() layout = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() layout.addWidget(self.l1, 0, 1, Qt.AlignVCenter) layout.addWidget(self.l2, 0, 4, Qt.AlignVCenter) layout.addWidget(self.l3, 1, 1, Qt.AlignVCenter) layout.addWidget(self.l4, 1, 4, Qt.AlignVCenter) layout.addWidget(self.pw1, 0, 2) layout.addWidget(self.pw2, 0, 3) layout.addWidget(self.pw3, 1, 2) layout.addWidget(self.pw4, 1, 3) layout.addWidget(self.pbar, 2, 2) vbox.addWidget(self.bandpass) vbox.addLayout(layout) centralWidget.setLayout(vbox) self.setCentralWidget(centralWidget) self.showMaximized() self.show() # Serial monitor self.monitor = SerialMonitor(COM, baudRate) self.monitor.bufferUpdated.connect(self.updateListening, QtCore.Qt.QueuedConnection) # Start working def start(self): self.monitor.running = True self.monitor.start() # Pause def stop(self): self.monitor.running = False # Refresh def refresh(self): self.l = 0 #Current point self.Time = [0]*self.dataWidth #Tine array self.Data = np.zeros((9, self.dataWidth)) self.DataMovingAverage = np.zeros((9, self.dataWidth)) self.Time = [0]*self.dataWidth self.msg_end = 0 # Update def updateListening(self, msg): # Update variables self.setWindowTitle("MYOstack GUI v1.0.1 | ELEMYO " + " ( " + self.monitor.COM + " , " + str(self.monitor.baudRate) + " baud )") s = self.passLowFreq.text() if s.isdigit(): self.passLowFrec = float(s) s = self.passHighFreq.text() if s.isdigit(): self.passHighFrec = float(self.passHighFreq.text()) # Parsing data from serial buffer msg = msg.decode(errors='ignore') if len(msg) >= 2: msg_end_n = msg.rfind("\r", 1) msg_begin = self.msg_end self.msg_end = msg[msg_end_n:len(msg)] if(self.l > 2): msg = msg_begin + msg[0:msg_end_n] for st in msg.split('\r\n'): s = st.split(' ') if (len(s) == 4) : if ( self.l == self.dataWidth): self.l = 0 for i in range(4): self.Data[i][self.l] = int(s[i])/1.024*3.3 self.DataMovingAverage[i][self.l] = self.movingAverage(i, self.Data[i][self.l], self.MA_alpha) self.Time[self.l] = self.Time[self.l - 1] + self.dt self.f.write(str(round(self.Time[self.l], 3)) + " " + str(self.Data[0][self.l]) + " " + str(self.Data[1][self.l]) + " " + str(self.Data[2][self.l]) + " " + str(self.Data[3][self.l]) + " " + str(self.Data[4][self.l]) + "\r\n") self.l = self.l + 1 # Filtering Data = np.zeros((9, self.dataWidth)) for i in range(9): Data[i] = np.concatenate((self.Data[i][self.l: self.dataWidth], self.Data[i][0: self.l])) Time = self.Time[self.l + 1: self.dataWidth-1]+(self.Time[0: self.l]) if (self.bandpass.isChecked() == 1 and self.passLowFrec < self.passHighFrec and self.passLowFrec > 0 and self.fs > 2*self.passHighFrec): for i in range(9): Data[i] = self.butter_bandpass_filter(Data[i], self.passLowFrec, self.passHighFrec, self.fs) if self.bandstop50.isChecked() == 1: if self.fs > 110: for i in range(9): Data[i] = self.butter_bandstop_filter(Data[i], 48, 52, self.fs) if self.fs > 210: for i in range(9): Data[i] = self.butter_bandstop_filter(Data[i], 98, 102, self.fs) if self.fs > 310: for i in range(9): Data[i] = self.butter_bandstop_filter(Data[i], 148, 152, self.fs) if self.fs > 410: for i in range(9): Data[i] = self.butter_bandstop_filter(Data[i], 198, 202, self.fs) if self.bandstop60.isChecked() == 1: if self.fs > 130: for i in range(9): Data[i] = self.butter_bandstop_filter(Data[i], 58, 62, self.fs) if self.fs > 230: for i in range(9): Data[i] = self.butter_bandstop_filter(Data[i], 118, 122, self.fs) if self.fs > 330: for i in range(9): Data[i] = self.butter_bandstop_filter(Data[i], 158, 162, self.fs) if self.fs > 430: for i in range(9): Data[i] = self.butter_bandstop_filter(Data[i], 218, 222, self.fs) # Shift the boundaries of the graph timeCount = self.Time[self.l - 1] // self.timeWidth # Update plot if (self.l > 3): # Main signal graphic self.pw1.setXRange(self.timeWidth * timeCount, self.timeWidth * ( timeCount + 1)) self.pw2.setXRange(self.timeWidth * timeCount, self.timeWidth * ( timeCount + 1)) self.pw3.setXRange(self.timeWidth * timeCount, self.timeWidth * ( timeCount + 1)) self.pw4.setXRange(self.timeWidth * timeCount, self.timeWidth * ( timeCount + 1)) self.pw5.setXRange(self.timeWidth * timeCount, self.timeWidth * ( timeCount + 1)) if self.MovingAverage.isChecked() == 1: for i in range(9): Data[i] = np.concatenate((self.DataMovingAverage[i][self.l: self.dataWidth], self.DataMovingAverage[i][0: self.l])) self.p1.setData(y=Data[0][0: self.dataWidth-2], x = Time[0: self.dataWidth-1]) self.p2.setData(y=Data[1][0: self.dataWidth-2], x = Time[0: self.dataWidth-1]) self.p3.setData(y=Data[2][0: self.dataWidth-2], x = Time[0: self.dataWidth-1]) self.p4.setData(y=Data[3][0: self.dataWidth-2], x = Time[0: self.dataWidth-1]) if (self.l > 100): self.pb1.setOpts(height=self.DataMovingAverage[0][self.l-1]) self.pb2.setOpts(height=self.DataMovingAverage[1][self.l-1]) self.pb3.setOpts(height=self.DataMovingAverage[2][self.l-1]) self.pb4.setOpts(height=self.DataMovingAverage[3][self.l-1]) # FFT graphic if self.l > 1000: Y = abs(fft(self.Data[self.button_group.checkedId()-1][self.l-1000: self.l-2])) / 998 X = 1/self.dt*np.linspace(0, 1, 998) self.FFT = (1-0.85)*Y + 0.85*self.FFT self.p10.setData(y=self.FFT[2: int(len(self.FFT)/2)], x=X[2:int(len(X)/2)]) # Values for butterworth bandpass filter def butter_bandpass(self, lowcut, highcut, fs, order = 4): nyq = 0.5 * fs low = lowcut / nyq high = highcut / nyq b, a = butter(order, [low, high], btype = 'bandpass') return b, a # Butterworth bandpass filter def butter_bandpass_filter(self, data, lowcut, highcut, fs, order = 4): b, a = self.butter_bandpass(lowcut, highcut, fs, order=order) y = lfilter(b, a, data) return y # Values for butterworth bandstop filter def butter_bandstop(self, lowcut, highcut, fs, order = 2): nyq = 0.5 * fs low = lowcut / nyq high = highcut / nyq b, a = butter(order, [low, high], btype = 'bandstop') return b, a # Butterworth bandstop filter def butter_bandstop_filter(self, data, lowcut, highcut, fs, order = 4): b, a = self.butter_bandstop(lowcut, highcut, fs, order = order) y = lfilter(b, a, data) return y def movingAverage(self, i, data, alpha): wa = 2.0*self.fs*np.tan(3.1416*1/self.fs) HPF = (2*self.fs*(data - self.X0[i]) - (wa-2*self.fs)*self.Y0[i])/(2*self.fs+wa) self.Y0[i] = HPF self.X0[i] = data data = HPF if data < 0: data = -data self.MA[i][0] = (1 - alpha)*data + alpha*self.MA[i][0]; self.MA[i][1] = (1 - alpha)*(self.MA[i][0]) + alpha*self.MA[i][1]; self.MA[i][2] = (1 - alpha)*(self.MA[i][1]) + alpha*self.MA[i][2]; return self.MA[i][2]*4 # Change gain def _on_radio_button_clicked(self, button): if self.monitor.COM != '': self.monitor.ser.write(bytearray([button.Value])) # Exit event def closeEvent(self, event): self.f.close() self.monitor.ser.close() event.accept() # Serial monitor class class SerialMonitor(QtCore.QThread): bufferUpdated = QtCore.pyqtSignal(bytes) # Custom constructor def __init__(self, COM, baudRate): QtCore.QThread.__init__(self) self.running = False self.filter = False self.COM = COM self.baudRate = baudRate self.baudRate = baudRate self.checkPort = 1 # Listening port def run(self): while self.running is True: while self.COM == '': ports = serial.tools.list_ports.comports(include_links=False) for port in ports : self.COM = port.device if self.COM != '': time.sleep(0.5) self.ser = serial.Serial(self.COM, self.baudRate) self.checkPort = 0 while self.checkPort: ports = serial.tools.list_ports.comports(include_links=False) for port in ports : if self.COM == port.device: time.sleep(0.5) self.ser = serial.Serial(self.COM, self.baudRate) self.checkPort = 0 # Waiting for data while (self.ser.inWaiting() == 0): pass # Reading data msg = self.ser.read( self.ser.inWaiting() ) if msg: #Parsing data self.bufferUpdated.emit(msg) time.sleep(0.1) # Starting program if __name__ == '__main__': app = QtCore.QCoreApplication.instance() if app is None: app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv) window = GUI() window.show() window.start() sys.exit(app.exec_())
Отредактировано serversss (Апрель 24, 2021 15:00:15)