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def equip_weapon2(self, weapon): self.equipped_list.append(weapon) self.health += weapon.health self.attack += weapon.attack self.defense += weapon.defense if isinstance(self, Vampire): self.vampirism += weapon.vampirism
class Vampire(Warrior): maxhealth = 40 name = 'vampire' def __init__(self): super().__init__(health=40, attack=4,) self.vampirism = 50 def equip_weapon2(self, weapon): super().equip_weapon2(weapon) self.vampirism += weapon.vampirism
Отредактировано xam1816 (Сен. 25, 2021 16:47:28)
xam1816Блин, вот тебе весь код на данный момент:
import copy import math class Warrior: maxhealth = 50 name = 'warrior' def __init__(self, health = 50, attack = 5): self.health = health self.attack = attack self.equipped_list = [] @property def is_alive(self): return self.health > 0 @property def god_heal (self): self.health = self.maxhealth def hit(self, other): other.health -= other.damage(self.attack) def damage(self, attack): if hasattr(self, 'defense'): return max(attack - self.defense, 0) else: return max(attack, 0) def equip_weapon(self, weapon): if not isinstance(weapon, Weapon): weapon = weapon() list1 = [getattr(weapon,a) for a in dir(weapon) if not a.startswith('__')] list2 = [a for a in dir(weapon) if not a.startswith('__')] list3 = dict(zip(list2, list1)) for element in list3: if hasattr(self, element): setattr(self, element, max(getattr(self, element) + list3[element], 0)) self.equipped_list.append(weapon) class Knight(Warrior): maxhealth = 60 name = 'knight' def __init__(self): super().__init__(attack = 7) class Defender(Warrior): name = 'defender' maxhealth = 60 def __init__(self): super().__init__(health = 60, attack = 3) self.defense = 2 class Vampire(Warrior): maxhealth = 40 name = 'vampire' def __init__(self): super().__init__(health = 40, attack = 4) self.vampirism = 50 def hit(self,other): other.health -= other.damage(self.attack) self.health = min(self.health + math.floor(self.vampirism / 100 * other.damage(self.attack)), self.maxhealth) class Lancer(Warrior): name = 'lancer' def __init__(self): super().__init__(attack = 6) self.attack_2 = self.attack * 0.5 def hit_2(self,other): other.health -= other.damage(self.attack_2) class Healer(Warrior): maxhealth = 60 name = 'healer' def __init__(self): super().__init__(health = 60, attack = 0) self.heal_power = 2 def heal(self,other): other.health = min(other.health + self.heal_power, other.maxhealth) def fight(unit1,unit2): first, sec = unit1, unit2 while unit1.is_alive and unit2.is_alive: first.hit(sec) first,sec = sec,first return unit1.is_alive class Army: def __init__(self): self.units = [] @property def is_alive(self): return self.units != [] @property def first(self): return self.units[0] @property def sec(self): return self.units[1] def del_unit(self,i): self.units.pop(i) def add_units(self,unit,count): self.units += [unit() for i in range(count)] class Battle: @staticmethod def fight(army1, army2): first, sec = army1, army2 while first.is_alive and sec.is_alive: first.first.hit(sec.first) if len(first.units) > 1: if isinstance(first.sec, Healer): first.sec.heal(first.first) if isinstance(first.first, Lancer) and len(sec.units) > 1: first.first.hit_2(sec.sec) if sec.sec.is_alive == False: sec.del_unit(1) if sec.first.is_alive == False: sec.del_unit(0) first, sec = army2, army1 first, sec = sec, first return army1.is_alive @staticmethod def straight_fight(army1,army2): list1, list2 = army1.units, army2.units while list1 != [] and list2 != []: excess = slice(min(len(list1),len(list2)), max(len(list1),len(list2))) list1_excess = copy.copy(list1[excess]) list2_excess = copy.copy(list2[excess]) fight_list = list(zip(list1,list2)) list1 = [i[0] for i in fight_list if fight(i[0],i[1]) == True] list2 = [i[1] for i in fight_list if fight(i[0],i[1]) == False] list1.extend(list1_excess) list2.extend(list2_excess) a = [(z.name,z.health) for z in list1] print('army1 ',a) b = [(z.name,z.health) for z in list2] print('army2 - enemy ',b) return list2 == [] class Weapon(): def __init__(self, health = 0, attack = 0, defense = 0, vampirism = 0, heal_power = 0): self.maxhealth = health self.health = health self.attack = attack self.defense = defense self.vampirism = vampirism self.heal_power = heal_power class Sword(Weapon): def __init__(self): super().__init__(health = 5, attack = 2) class Shield(Weapon): def __init__(self): super().__init__(health = 20, attack = -1, defense = 2) class GreatAxe(Weapon): def __init__(self): super().__init__(health = -15, attack = 5, defense = -2, vampirism = 10) class Katana(Weapon): def __init__(self): super().__init__(health = -20, attack = 6, defense = -5, vampirism = 50) class MagicWand(Weapon): def __init__(self): super().__init__(health = 30, attack = 3, heal_power = 3)
list1 = [getattr(weapon,a) for a in dir(weapon) if not a.startswith('__')] list2 = [a for a in dir(weapon) if not a.startswith('__')] list3 = dict(zip(list2, list1))
def equip_weapon(self,weapon): if not isinstance(weapon, Weapon): weapon = weapon() for element in weapon.__dict__: if hasattr(self, element): setattr(self, element, max(getattr(self, element) + weapon.__dict__[element], 0)) self.equipped_list.append(weapon)
Отредактировано Alexey_mne31 (Окт. 2, 2021 16:31:08)