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Из неочевидного - крайне полезная команда yolk -H SomeProjectName
c:\projects>easy_install yolk
Usage: yolk-script.py
-h, –help show this help message and exit
–version Show yolk version and exit.
–debug Show debugging information.
-q, –quiet Show less output.
Query installed Python packages:
The following options show information about installed Python
packages. Activated packages are normal packages on sys.path that can
be imported. Non-activated packages need ‘pkg_resources.require()’
before they can be imported, such as packages installed with
‘easy_install –multi-version’. PKG_SPEC can be either a package name
or package name and version e.g. Paste==0.9
-l, –list List all Python packages installed by distutils or
setuptools. Use PKG_SPEC to narrow results.
-a, –activated List activated packages installed by distutils or
setuptools. Use PKG_SPEC to narrow results.
-n, –non-activated
List non-activated packages installed by distutils or
setuptools. Use PKG_SPEC to narrow results.
-m, –metadata Show all metadata for packages installed by setuptools
(use with -l -a or -n)
-f FIELDS, –fields=FIELDS
Show specific metadata fields. (use with -m or -M)
-d PKG_SPEC, –depends=PKG_SPEC
Show dependencies for a package installed by
setuptools if they are available.
List entry points for a module. e.g. –entry-points
List entry map for a package. e.g. –entry-map yolk
PyPI (Cheese Shop) options:
The following options query the Python Package Index:
-C HOURS, –changelog=HOURS
Show detailed ChangeLog for PyPI for last n hours.
-D PKG_SPEC, –download-links=PKG_SPEC
Show download URL's for package listed on PyPI. Use
with -T to specify egg, source etc.
-F PKG_SPEC, –fetch-package=PKG_SPEC
Download package source or egg. You can specify a file
type with -T
-H PKG_SPEC, –browse-homepage=PKG_SPEC
Launch web browser at home page for package.
Specify PyPI mirror for package index.
-L HOURS, –latest-releases=HOURS
Show PyPI releases for last n hours.
-M PKG_SPEC, –query-metadata=PKG_SPEC
Show metadata for a package listed on PyPI. Use -f to
show particular fields.
Search PyPI by spec and optional AND/OR operator.
-T FILE_TYPE, –file-type=FILE_TYPE
You may specify ‘source’, ‘egg’, ‘svn’ or ‘all’ when
using -D.
-U, –show-updates Check PyPI for updates on package(s).
-V PKG_SPEC, –versions-available=PKG_SPEC
Show available versions for given package listed on