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IDLE (Python 3.10 64-bit)
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Есть такой скрипт “Скачиваем видео с Rutube”
Скрипт срабатывает без ошибок. Но видео в папке нет.
Вот скрипт:
import os.path import shutil import requests headers = { 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) ' 'Chrome/98.0.4758.132 YaBrowser/ Yowser/2.5 Safari/537.36', 'accept': '*/*' } def get_m3u8_list(url): req = requests.get(url=url, headers=headers) video_data = req.json() video_author = video_data['author']['name'] video_title = video_data['title'] dict_repl = ["/", "\\", "[", "]", "?", "'", '"', ":", "."] for repl in dict_repl: if repl in video_title: video_title = video_title.replace(repl, "") if repl in video_author: video_author = video_author.replace(repl, "") video_title = video_title.replace(" ", "_") video_author = video_author.replace(" ", "_") video_m3u8 = video_data['video_balancer']['m3u8'] return video_author, video_title, video_m3u8 def get_link_from_m3u8(url_m3u8): if not os.path.isdir('seg'): os.mkdir('seg') req = requests.get(url=url_m3u8, headers=headers) data_m3u8_dict = [] with open('seg\\pl_list.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file: file.write(req.text) with open('seg\\pl_list.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: src = file.readlines() for item in src: data_m3u8_dict.append(item) url_playlist = data_m3u8_dict[-1] return url_playlist def get_segment_count(m3u8_link): req = requests.get(url=m3u8_link, headers=headers) data_seg_dict = [] for seg in req: data_seg_dict.append(seg) seg_count = str(data_seg_dict[-2]).split("/")[-1].split("-")[1] return seg_count def get_download_link(m3u8_link): link = f'{m3u8_link.split(".m3u8")[0]}/' return link def get_download_segment(link, count): if not os.path.isdir('seg'): os.mkdir('seg') for item in range(1, count+1): print(f'[+] - Загружаю сегмент {item}/{count}') req = requests.get(f'{link}segment-{item}-v1-a1.ts') with open(f'seg\\segment-{item}-v1-a1.ts', 'wb') as file: file.write(req.content) print('[INFO] - Все сегменты загружены') def merge_ts(author, title, count): if not os.path.isdir(author): os.mkdir(author) with open(f'seg\\{title}.ts', 'wb') as merged: for ts in range(1, count+1): with open(f'seg\\segment-{ts}-v1-a1.ts', 'rb') as mergefile: shutil.copyfileobj(mergefile, merged) os.system(f"ffmpeg -i seg\\{title}.ts {author}\\{title}.mp4") print('[+] - Конвертирование завершено') file_dir = os.listdir('seg') for file in file_dir: os.remove(f'seg\\{file}') os.removedirs('seg') def main(): url = input('[+] - Введите ссылку на видео для загрузки >>> ').split("/")[-2] m3u8_url = get_m3u8_list(f'https://rutube.ru/api/play/options/{url}/?no_404=true&referer=https%3A%2F%2Frutube.ru') m3u8_link = get_link_from_m3u8(m3u8_url[2]) seg_count = int(get_segment_count(m3u8_link)) dwnl_link = get_download_link(m3u8_link) get_download_segment(dwnl_link, seg_count) merge_ts(m3u8_url[0], m3u8_url[1], seg_count) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
В функции main добавьте print(var_name) и посомтрите что оно формирует
что отправялет и что говорит