Хочу попробовать подергать функици из RIL.dll (Radio Layer Interface)…

описание для RIL гласит что необходимо делать так…
// keep this handle handy as we need it for further RIL commands
HRIL rilHandle;


HRESULT hr = RIL_Initialize(
1, // index of the RIL port to use (e.g., 1 for RIL1:)
&resultCallBack, // this is a pointer to your result call back method
&notifyCallback, // this is a pointer to your notify call back method
RIL_NCLASS_ALL, // all notification (except device specific)
(DWORD) this, // custom param (could be a pointer to an instance of a class)
&rilHandle); // returned handle to RIL instance


void CALLBACK resultCallback(
DWORD dwCode,
const void *lpData,
DWORD cbData,
DWORD dwParam)

// handle the results


void CALLBACK notifyCallback(
DWORD dwCode,
const void *lpData,
DWORD cbData,
DWORD dwParam)
// handle the notification
чем заменить CALLBACK на Python ?