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 # Password validation in Python
# using naive method
# Function to validate the password
def password_check(passwd):
    SpecialSym =['$', '@', '#', '%']
    val = True
    if len(passwd) < 6:
        print('length should be at least 6')
        val = False
    if len(passwd) > 20:
        print('length should be not be greater than 8')
        val = False
    if not any(char.isdigit() for char in passwd):
        print('Password should have at least one numeral')
        val = False
    if not any(char.isupper() for char in passwd):
        print('Password should have at least one uppercase letter')
        val = False
    if not any(char.islower() for char in passwd):
        print('Password should have at least one lowercase letter')
        val = False
    if not any(char in SpecialSym for char in passwd):
        print('Password should have at least one of the symbols $@#')
        val = False
    if val:
        return val
# Main method
def main():
    passwd = 'Geek12@'
    if (password_check(passwd)):
        print("Password is valid")
        print("Invalid Password !!")
# Driver Code        
if __name__ == '__main__':
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