Я в python новичок.
Прошу помочь со следующим.
Дергаю я из Postgresql некий скрипт на сервере (отправка почты на основе содержания таблиц):
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ amazon_sender.py ~~~~~~~~ Python helper class that can send emails using Amazon SES and boto. The biggest feature of this class is that encodings are handled properly. It can send both text and html emails. This implementation is using Python's standard library (which opens up for a lot more options). Example:: amazon_sender = AmazonSender(AWS_ID, AWS_SECRET) amazon_sender.send_email(sender=u'???? <john@doe.com>', to='blah@blah.com', subject='Hello friend', text='Just a message', html='<b>Just a message</b>', sender_ascii='Ascii Sender <no_reply@wedoist.com>') :copyright: 2011 by Amir Salihefendic ( http://amix.dk/ ). :license: BSD """ import types from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from email.mime.text import MIMEText from email.utils import COMMASPACE from boto.ses import SESConnection class AmazonSender(object): client = None def __init__(self, aws_key, aws_secret): self.aws_key = aws_key self.aws_secret = aws_secret def send_email(self, sender, to_addresses, subject, text, html=None, reply_addresses=None, sender_ascii=None): if not sender_ascii: sender_ascii = sender client = self.get_client() message = MIMEMultipart('alternative') message.set_charset('UTF-8') message['Subject'] = _encode_str(subject) message['From'] = _encode_str(sender) message['To'] = _convert_to_strings(to_addresses) if reply_addresses: message['Reply-To'] = _convert_to_strings(reply_addresses) message.attach(MIMEText(_encode_str(text), 'plain')) if html: message.attach(MIMEText(_encode_str(html), 'html')) # return client.send_raw_email(sender_ascii, message.as_string(), # destinations=to_addresses) return client.send_raw_email(message.as_string(), sender_ascii, destinations=to_addresses) def vertify_email(self, email): client = self.get_client() return client.verify_email_address(email) def get_client(self): if not self.client: self.client = SESConnection(self.aws_key, self.aws_secret) return self.client #--- Helpers ---------------------------------------------- def _convert_to_strings(list_of_strs): if isinstance(list_of_strs, (list, tuple)): result = COMMASPACE.join(list_of_strs) else: result = list_of_strs return _encode_str(result) def _encode_str(s): if type(s) == types.UnicodeType: return s.encode('utf8') return s
Все бы хорошо, если бы в html не привалило, что-то в кирилике из поля базы.
Как результат имеем
ERROR: UnicodeDecodeError: ‘ascii’ codec can't decode byte 0xd0 in position …..
Дико прошу помощи!!!!!!
[code python][/code]