I got the error
Exception at /registration
Could you please share this full list of the Exception if you got on it, UI of course. It has a more detail what happened was.
Luck you man.
I got the error
Exception at /registration
class MyRegisterForm(UserCreationForm): print "OK!" nick_name = forms.CharField(max_length=30, required=True, widget=forms.TextInput) print "Ook" class Meta: model = UserProfile exclude = (user, ) def save(self, commit=True): if not commit: raise NotImplementedError("Can't create User and UserProfile without database save") print "Saving..." user = super(MyRegisterForm, self).save(commit=False) user.nick_name = self.cleaned_data["nick_name"] user_profile = UserProfile(user=user, nick_name=self.cleaned_data['nick_name']) user_profile.save() print "Saving complete" return user, user_profile
barabanshegСпасибо, но не получилось.
Попробуй так:
lov3catchPlease, display us one.
Exception Location: E:\kavyarnya\registration\views.py in reg, line 67
raise Exception(form.errors)