print(“Welcome to Kalimdor.net! Please Enter your name”)
name = input(“Your Name?”)
a == Trall
b == Karn
c == Jaine
d == Artes
if a:print(“Hi,”,Trall)
if b:print(“Hi,”,Karn)
if c:print(“Hi,”,Jaine)
if d:print(“Hi,”,Artes)
else:print(“You can't Enter in Kalimdor.net”)
print(“What you want?”)
name = input(“Freedom for Horde”)
name = input(“Peace on Kalimdor”)
name = input(“Meeting with Oracle”)
name = input(“FROSTMORN!!!”)
if 1:print(“Legion dead,all done”)
if 2:print(“Legion dead,all done”)
if 3:print(“Oracle say's that you need stop war versus Orcs”)
else:print(“Not avaible”)
Вот что пишет при запуске:
Welcome to Kalimdor.net! Please Enter your name
Your Name? Trall(ввел)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\Python34\test of WoW.py”, line 3, in <module>
a == Trall
NameError: name ‘a’ is not defined
Прошу помогите! я осваиваю язык только 3й день! Не бейте!