помогите мне найти русскую документацию по синтаксису и готовым выражениям
интересуют вот такие выражения:
x = [filter(lambda y: ARR[x][y] == 1, range(N)) for x in range(N)]
x= {}
x= [x1, x2][y]
x = tuple(sorted(len(x1[y]) for y in x2[x]))
x = [filter(lambda y: ARR[x][y] == 1, range(N)) for x in range(N)]
x= {}
x= [x1, x2][y]
x = tuple(sorted(len(x1[y]) for y in x2[x]))
The job of translation tool chain is to translate RPython programs into an efficient version of that program for one of various target platforms, generally one that is considerably lower-level than Python. It divides this task into several steps, and the purpose of this document is to introduce them.
As of the 1.0 release, RPython programs can be translated into the following languages/platforms: C/POSIX, LLVM/POSIX, CLI/.NET, Javascript and Java/JVM (in addition, there's a backend that translates application-level into interpreter-level code, but this is a special case in several ways).
The choice of the target platform affects the process somewhat, but to start with we describe the process of translating an RPython program into C (which is the default and original target).