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Полная версия: Что в новой версии? 0.9.5
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Что там нового добавили?
В основном поддержку i18n и юникода.
ну и кучу фиксов…

- Routes now translates utf-8 characters during both URL generation,
and URL recognition, many thanks to David Smith for numerous patches
- The Request now has an option so that all GET/POST arguments come
in as unicode, with the decoding you prefer
- i18n now uses code contributed from Aquarium by Shannon -jj Behrens
for translation fall-backs and has browser language matching code
- Optional lazy translation options contributed by David Smith
- Routes implicit defaults (action=index, id=None) can be turned off
per route with _explicit=True
- Routes memory can also be disabled by setting the mapper to
explicit=True, which will also disable the implicit defaults

Next, some backward compatibility changes:

* WARNING: paginate now takes arguments intended for the collection
object as
query_args. This could affect backwards compatibility. This fixes
a common
issue that non-keyword arguments passed into paginate get eaten by
keyword arguments instead of being in *args to go on to the
* WARNING: Due to a typo, the Text helper highlight function no longer
highlights text with the CSS class name ‘hilight’ by default: it
now uses the
CSS class name ‘highlight’ instead. The function's ‘hilighter’
argument has also been deprecated, use ‘highlighter’ instead.

* WARNING: Pylons now requires the decorator module: it no longer
it as pylons.decorator. Code relying on the
function will trigger a deprecation warning and should be changed
to use
* WARNING: pylons.h was deprecated for using projects' lib.helpers
directly in 0.9.3. pylons.h is now formally deprecated (emits
DeprecationWarnings). Projects still accessing pylons.h must
change the
following import:
from pylons import h
import MYPROJ.lib.helpers as h
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